- Life in Harmony Acupuncture2510 South Loop 336 W
Suite 215-H
Conroe, TX 77304, USA1-936-689-5043 - Mon9:30am-5pmTue9:30am-5pmWed9:30am-5pmThu9:30am-5pmFri9:30am-2pm
Billions of dollars are spent every year looking for the cure to disease, whether cancer, AIDS, heart disease, or any of the other devastating afflictions that perpetually plague us.
While the noble efforts of these research scientists are certainly appreciated, perhaps our focus has been a bit skewed. It is not suggested that we give up on the quest for effective treatments, but rather that we bolster our understanding of creating and maintaining health.
After all, does it make more sense to continually contract diseases and disorders and then fight an uphill battle to regain some semblance of health and wellness; or to consistently take positive, proactive steps to drastically reduce your chances of getting ill in the first place?
It is understood that there are no guarantees in life. But at the same time you can significantly improve your odds of living your healthiest life possible by adopting the proper set of habits and educating yourself on the steps that lead to longevity.
The unfortunate truth, however, is that many people feel that their efforts would be all for naught. That since their parents and grandparents developed heart disease, and diabetes, and cancer, that they themselves are destined for the same eventuality in the absence of a miracle cure. They feel that their actions are fruitless; that they are helpless in their fight against an already sealed fate.
If you live in the “rust belt” of the United States, the odds are pretty good that your automobile will develop some body damage over its lifetime. Does this mean that you never wash your car because it’s going to rust out anyway? Of course it doesn’t. If you care about your car, it means that you’ll fight extra hard to protect your investment.
The reality is that most of the top killers today are lifestyle related, regardless of your family history. Just because you inherit the genes doesn’t mean that you have to continue the lifestyle.
Cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, auto-immune disorders…all of these conditions are greatly impacted by diet, lifestyle habits, depressed nervous systems, our home environments, etc.
Until we change our focus from the curing of disease to the propagation of health, history is destined to repeat itself.
Remember that the body has the capacity to heal easily, as long as there is the proper balance and flow of energy. The key to staying healthy is not to inject “cures” from the outside, but rather to get the innermost layer (the meridian system) in order first, and then to insulate it with layer upon layer of healthy, productive lifestyle habits.
Want healthy teeth? Brush a few times daily, floss at least once a day, and visit your dentist for regular check-ups.
Healthy bodily hygiene requires that you shower or bathe daily.
Living at a healthy bodyweight results from consistently eating the right types of foods, and regularly engaging in some form of exercise.
Most importantly, living your life at your absolute healthiest, with 100% energy flow and maximum expression of life requires clearing the body of meridian imbalances and then maintaining those changes through consistent wellness treatments.
These are truths that cannot be denied. When you quit performing any of these proactive habits, its corresponding aspect of health begins to decline.
So let’s say you did give up these habits. What would happen to your state of health as it relates to that activity?
Quit brushing and flossing and you risk losing your teeth. As undesirable as this would be, you can still live without a mouthful of teeth. Sure it’s more difficult, but you would survive.
Give up bathing and, while your circle of friends would quickly diminish, you would be in no imminent threat of losing your life.
Stop exercising or eating well and soon your neglect will be written all over your expanding body.
Start powering down or inhibiting the meridian system, however, and your quality of life plummets right along with it. Shut the meridian system down completely, and you will be very unhealthy.
This is not to imply that if you give up your acupuncture treatments that disease is imminent, but it does speak volumes toward the importance of keeping the power of the meridian system flowing freely at all times.
Life revolves around the meridan system and when there become imbalances, or blockages, the energy that runs the body is diminished.
As important as it is to correct meridian imbalances and restore normal function to the meridian system, it is just as critical to maintain those changes. A lifetime of preventative, wellness acupuncture care is one of the healthiest habits that you can engage in.
Let’s get right to the point. There is no magic bullet, the easy way out is the wrong way, and quick fixes never stand the test of time. We all know this to be true yet, astoundingly, we have been led to believe the exact opposite when it comes to our health and well-being. Medicine has become our magic elixir, our get-out-of-jail-free card. Why exercise your bones and joints when you can pop a pill instead? Sure you risk abdominal cramping and bone death, but at least you don’t have to get off the couch. Hair loss, obesity, short temper, shyness, itchy skin, dry eyes… You can bet that whatever ails you, no matter how trivial, there is a pill marketed for it.
The reason acupuncture continues to thrive for the past 2,500 years, even at times in the face of fierce opposition, is because it is built on solid, lasting, time-tested principles and theories.
The health of your body is in direct proportion to the health of how your bodies innate healing energies travel throughout your meridian system. Energy flows throughout your body by way of an intricate network of pathways called the meridian system.
Taking migraine medicine for a headache requires that your body not only fight the cause of the migraine, but now also the dangerous chemicals you are dumping into it. We have essentially been trained to put out a fire by dousing it with gasoline. We have been led to believe that the work that the body has been accomplishing over thousands of years with amazing efficiency is suddenly no longer possible in the absence of drugs.
As much as we tend to overcomplicate it, staying healthy is really pretty simple. Getting well requires that we optimize the function and flow of energy within our meridian system and then maintain its integrity to allow the body to do what it was created to do. The reason that so many of us struggle with our health is because as simple as the concept is, actually following through requires a high level of commitment and necessitates specific action steps on a daily basis. Everyone knows the formula for losing weight is to cut out the bad calories, watch your portions, and exercise daily, but few people can commit to following through. It’s easier to look for the pill that requires no work output or the exercise video that promises miracles after 2 weeks, or to simply give into temptation.
Your body is a masterpiece and it requires consistent attention and respect. If you’re ready to make the commitment to getting well – not just feeling better through artificial means, but truly getting well – then welcome aboard! We’ll do everything we can to help you get there.
Orthodontics for Your Health
One of the biggest myths about acupuncture is that “once you start, you have to go forever.
First of all, it is entirely up to you how long you choose to continue to get treatments. Of course, like any other healthy habit, the longer you maintain it, the better your quality of life. But just to clear up some confusion, let’s look at the process of a comprehensive schedule of acupuncture care in another light.
Perhaps the most apt analogy for continuing care for the meridian system is reconstructive orthodontics for your teeth. Both disciplines consist of an initial phase of care that usually involves overcoming a weakness, followed by a reconstructive or rehabilitative phase of care, and finally culminating in wellness or maintenance.
The earliest phase of your care usually consists of the highest visit frequency. In cases of chronic imbalances within the meridian system it is common to initially require treatments a few days a week until your bodies energy is properly balanced and restored.
Using our orthodontic analogy, this would be the point at which the brackets and wires are put on your teeth and you are seen for check-ups every couple weeks. Since there is no wire affixed within your meridian system, your acupuncture visits occur more frequently than orthodontic appointments, and are instead “wired together” by specific exercises, herbal prescriptions, self-care recommendations, etc.
As balance returns to your body, your visit frequency is diminished. This is the phase in which the orthodontist would also begin spacing out his visits and begin to “tweak” the wires to make fine adjustments to your teeth and allow them to settle into their new structural pattern. In both cases, this is a critical phase of care in that it is setting the stage for lifelong wellness or maintenance.
In regard to orthodontics, this is when you would be fitted for a retainer to be worn at least nightly for the rest of your life, or for as long as you wish to maintain healthy teeth.
As for acupuncture, this marks the transition to a schedule of wellness or maintenance care to ensure a lifelong abundance of health and well-being.
The maintenance or wellness phase of care is without a doubt the most important. What is sickness, but a lack of wellness? The whole objective of everything leading up to your wellness care is to get your body back to its natural state of balance. Once there, staying well is simply a matter of sustaining that balance.
Wear your retainer and maintain a life of health and wellness. Or neglect your maintenance and have the braces put back on? The choice is clear.
Are You on a Slow Simmer?
There’s an old metaphor about a frog in boiling water. If you drop a frog in a pot of boiling water, he will immediately jump out because of the sudden, drastic change in temperature. If, however, you puta frog in a pot of tepid water and slowly bring it to a boil, the temperature change will be so subtle that the frog will never know what hit him as he boils to death.
People are very similar to the frog when it comes to identifying underlying health problems and seeking help. Based on the perceived severity of the problem, you are either driven to action, or more prone to let the problem continue as a mere annoyance.
Those who have suffered a major trauma such as an auto accident, work injury, or slip and fall are like a frog dropped in boiling water. Because they have undergone such sudden and massive physical change they seek immediate action in correcting the damage done and look to professional help without delay. Bear in mind that these are the same people who would normally overlook more minor aches and pains without a second thought.
Why does one act so quickly in a situation like this? The injury happens so suddenly and swings them so far from their comfort zone that they will do whatever it takes to bring things back to normalcy as quickly as possible. After all, a knock in your engine is something that you would typically let go for awhile, but a sudden cloud of smoke billowing from under the hood would likely spur you to immediate action.
The majority of people, however, are like a frog in tepid water, on a slow simmer until eventually being brought to a boil. Most imbalances develop over time, and because they are often very subtle, and many times painless, the danger of their impact on our bodies goes unnoticed.
Over time, however, these imbalances are no less devastating to us than boiling water is to the frog. A slow drip in your attic might not seem like a big deal, but its cumulative effects can eventually send your ceiling crashing down.
Until we get into the habit of being proactive when it comes to our health, these “simmering” imbalances will always be a threat. Neutralizing that threat requires that we shift our thinking away from pain-based, symptom-relief care and more toward a system built around prevention and wellness.
If you know someone who has not been examined for imbalances yet, regardless of whether or not they are exhibiting any symptoms, send them in for a acupuncture evaluation. Let’s get them the help they need before their pot comes to a boil!
A House Divided…
“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” –Abraham Lincoln
Pain killer…Check. Anti-inflammatory…Check. Anti-anxiety…Check. Antidepressant…Check.
And that’s just breakfast!
For many, starting the day by downing a handful of pills has become the norm, a natural accompaniment to their eggs and toast.
You take pills because you are taught to, and that’s what most people are accustomed to. Because somehow the drugs are supposed to wipe the slate clean and zero out your not so healthy lifestyle choices. Inherently you know that the drugs are not the best thing for you, but you figure that you can settle for good enough if the pills can help you just get by.
There is a reason that every drug or pill that you are prescribed comes with a list of side effects and warnings. Continually putting foreign/toxic substances into your body over the long run often creates more illness than health.
The reality is that the body is designed to heal from the inside out and express life through an inborn intelligent energy, and it is only when this energy is impeded that the body begins to break down.
Drugging an imbalanced body does nothing to bring it back into balance, and in fact while on the surface it may appear that the drugs are serving a positive purpose, underneath, the body is thrown farther into a state of stress and dis-ease. In effect, you have created a house divided.
The natural, recuperative power of the body is now pitted against the drug’s toxic effects. Even when drugs are designed as closely as possible to work in harmony with the human body, it simply is not feasible to introduce chemicals into the body without also inducing stress.
You are either working to support the body’s innate healing energies or you are working against it. You can’t have it both ways and expect to see positive change over a lifetime.
The key to producing a lifetime of health and wellness is to develop a unified front; to unleash the full power of the body’s meridian systems and then to nurture it through exercise, good nutrition, adequate rest, and a positive mental outlook.
Acupuncture works in unison with the body and serves to optimize your innate healing potential. It is the natural choice to replenish and maintain optimal health!
100 Years…And Counting
Would you like to live to be 100? You would be surprised at how many people would answer “no” to that question. Many people are in such poor health that it is a physical and emotional struggle to get through each day, let alone an entire century. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Actually, if we are living properly, enjoying the rich quality of life that we are entitled to, we should all be thrilled to live to 100! In fact, the hard part should be figuring out how to squeeze all of our goals and accomplishments into such a relatively short period of time.
It’s true that we are living longer than our ancestors, but while the medical profession is quick to point out that our lifespan is increasing, what remains hidden in the fine print is the atrocious quality of life that our senior population must endure. Twinkies® have a long shelf life, but it would be a stretch to call them healthy.
A balanced meridian system is the foundation of health and longevity, and it is like a bright light glowing deep within. Dim the light and your quality of life dims along with it. Extinguish the light and you die.
The key to living a long, healthy life is to maximize the function of the meridian system as long as possible. Acupuncture does exactly that.
Understand that longevity is built right now. Today. This very day is part of your 100 years. Your state of health at this moment is a result of your actions yesterday and the days prior. Your state of health tomorrow depends on what you do today.
Health is not black and white. It is a continuum, with death at one end and complete wellness at the other end. We are never stagnant, we are constantly moving back and forth along the scale.
Every action you take either moves you toward health or away from it, and the key to longevity is to habitually engage in those activities that drive you in the right direction. Things like acupuncture treatments, daily exercise, proper nutrition, gratitude, a positive mental outlook, spiritual fulfillment, love, and so on.
It’s been said that success is a journey, not a destination. The same can be said of longevity. If a long, healthy life is a goal of yours, then don’t just let your life play out and hope for the best. Longevity is not about dragging out an existence just to make it to a certain age. Longevity is a byproduct of living the right way every single day until, before you know it, a hundred years have passed.
24 Hours to a Better Life
What if you only got one? What would you do with it? Who would you see? How would you act? Where would you go?
Fortunately most of us get more than one day to live out our lives. But for too many of us there seems to be something wrong with every single day we are given. It’s too long. It’s too short. It’s cold. It’s rainy. It’s boring. It’s too busy.
If it were your last day, do you think you would give things like the weather a second thought? If you had just one day to live, your focus would undoubtedly shift from complaining and complacency to productivity, love, and thankfulness.
Well, the truth of the matter is that every day is of equal value. Today is no less important than your last day. Each day is a brand new start and we are all given the same 24 hours to make of them what we will.
All of this may sound a little too cliché, but consider that billionaire powerhouses like Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett are given the same 24 hours every day that you are. They are afforded no more time and no less time. The difference comes in how they choose to utilize their hours. And if you think they just somehow happened to arrive at their success by chance or privilege, read up on their life histories and you’ll find that this couldn’t be farther from the truth.
Now your goal might not be to become a billionaire, but most people are longing for something more out of life, but are either waiting around for it to come to them, or just don’t know how to go about getting it.
The good news is that it doesn’t take a genius to create an extraordinary life; just persistent focused action on a daily basis.
Maybe you would love to write a best-seller, but are intimidated by the whole process. If you got to work and wrote just one page a day, in a year’s time you will have completed a 365 page book! Even if it took you 2 days per page, you would still have a substantial 180 pages.
Advancing your life simply requires that you prioritize and change your focus. Evaluate your typical day and find those “lost moments” or “voids” in which nothing meaningful seems to take place, and then plan the night before how you are going to better utilize that time. Listen to educational programs during your commute. Instead of surfing the web, study your field of business. Turn the TV off in favor of some quality family time.
You may not be destined to change the world, but by focusing 24 hours at a time it is easily within your power to change your life!
Are You Stuck in First Gear
Imagine you are driving down the road with your gas pedal to the floor. Your car runs great and gets you to where you need to be. All is good.
But then you look around and notice that everyone else is whizzing right by you.
Determined to keep up with those around you, you take your car into the shop and have the mechanic give it a good once-over.
The mechanic finds that while you have been getting to where you need to be, you have been doing so while driving in only one gear. In actuality, he discovers that your car has an entire set of gears that have never even been utilized!
Many people live out their lives the same way; stuck in first gear and never living up to their full potential; not quite hurting, but definitely not at their best. The problem is that while most people realize that they simply are not living up to par, they don’t know how to access their hidden gearbox to take their health to the next level.
These are the people that need to be under acupuncture care!
The old misconception that acupuncture care is just for those in pain or battling symptoms is quickly being exposed for the fallacy that it is.
Those who get the most out of their acupuncture treatments are the ones who take their care beyond the relief phase and work with their acupuncturist to maintain lifelong health and wellness.
The true essence of acupuncture actually has nothing to do with the treatment of pain and symptoms. Acupuncture treatments remove meridian system blockages by detecting and correcting imbalances in the meridian system. Symptoms are relieved as a byproduct of building a healthier body.
A blockage within the meridian system, ones that are continually out of balance, will never allow the body to run at maximum speed and efficiency. The blockage and imbalance in effect acts as a governor on your body’s engine, limiting it to a certain speed that it can’t rise above.
You are not designed to sputter through life in first gear. You are created to live all out at full throttle. Settle for any less and you not only short-change yourself, but also those who depend upon you.
Your meridian system is housing a whole new set of gears that most of us never even tap into. By unleashing the full scope of your body’s innate potential, acupuncture can help you take your health and your life to unparalleled heights.